I thought this was pretty awesome.
Recollections, reviews, discoveries, and future plans.
Koinophobia: The Fear that You've Lived an Ordinary Life
While you're in it, life seems epic. Fiery, tenuous, and unpredictable. But once you have some distance from it, everything seems to shrink, until it's almost out of focus. So you begin scanning your life looking for something interesting or beautiful.
Zenosyne: The Sense That Time Keeps Going Faster
As a kid you run around so fast, the world around you seems to stand still. A summer vacation can stretch on for an eternity. With each birthday we circle back and cross the same point around the sun. We wish each other 'many happy returns.'
Socha: The Hidden Vulnerability of Others
It's the kind of basic human vulnerability that we'd all find familiar, but is still somehow surprising when we notice it in others. It's an open question why we have such public confidence, and such private doubts. From The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com
We Need to be Lost to be Found
From Jason Silva's "Shots of Awe" series on Discovery's new Test Tube Network.
"Artists are uniquely placed to ... creatively participate in the larger cultural process of re-engineering subjectivity, of pushing the envelope of experience." - Erik Davis Also, tell us what you think! Take our survey: http://testtube.com/testtubedailyshow/survey Explore the Seeker Network!
Yù Yī - The Desire to Feel Intensely Again
yù yī - 玉衣 n. the desire to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger-before expectations, before memory, before words.