The Heroes Project Feature Documentary, directed by Academy Award winner Freida Mock, is an inspiring story about strength, resilience, the human spirit and the ability to triumph over the impossible. It weaves together the story of seven men, all single or double amputees, who served their country with honor. Faced with catastrophic injuries these ordinary young men attempt the extraordinary – to climb the highest mountains of every continent in the world.
The Heroes:
Isaac, a double amputee from Michigan, who goes down under to Australia to tackle Mt. Kosciuszco in the middle of a severe winter storm.
Brad, a double amputee from Phoenix, who just 8 months after his injuries climbs Mt. Aconcagua in South America, the 6th tallest of the 7 Summits.
Kionte, a single amputee from Stockton, CA who climbs the highest peak in frigid Antarctica.
Mark, a double amputee from Michigan, climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa.
Matt, a single amputee from the flats of N. Carolina, climbs the highest mountain in North America, Mt. Denali.
Keith, an above the knee amputee from Colorado who climbs Mt. Elbrus in Russia, the highest mountain in all of Europe.
And Charlie, a single amputee from Boise, ID who sets his sights on the top of the world, Mt. Everest.
For these seven, facing a challenge that demands something deeply human in themselves, what motivates and inspires them on this heroic journey of recovery?